Registration Fee: FREE for OLC Institutional Public Library Members ONLY
Registration Deadline: 1/07/24
Overview: The Ohio Legislature will begin meeting at the Statehouse in early January to kick off the 136th Ohio General Assembly. The main priority for the legislature in the first six months will be passing the state budget which includes funding for public libraries.
During the webinar, Jay Smith, OLC's Director of Government and Legal Services, will provide an update on the state budget, the PLF, and what it means for public libraries. He'll cover effective advocacy tools and techniques for developing relationships with legislators as well as how we will continue our work with the Ohio House and Ohio Senate over the next several months.
Intended Audience: Library directors, fiscal officers, trustees and other members of library administration.
What's Included: Participation in the live webinar and access to resources provided by the presenter.
Member Fee: FREE for OLC Institutional Members ONLY