Library Trustee Workshop I
Saturday, March 8, 2025 (10:00 AM - 3:30 PM) (EST)
Registration Fees: Member $95* | Non-member $190
*Individual members or staff of OLC institutional member libraries.
Registration deadline: 3/1/25
This is a hybrid event. Participants can attend in person at the OLC office in Dublin or online with the same access to workshop content. Workshop will be recorded and available to registrants for 30 days.
Learning Objectives:
- Make sense of your library's finances and understand how libraries are funded in Ohio.
- Get updates on the latest legislative issues at the Statehouse including the Public Library Fund (PLF).
- Gain a better understanding of the legal questions library trustees often ask.
- Learn more about the services that OLC proves to trustees.
Intended Audience: Any member of a public library Board of Trustees. The OLC encourages new trustees as well as current trustees to attend this educational event.
What's Included: Morning coffee, light refreshments and lunch will be provided for those who attend at the OLC office. All handouts, provided by presenters, will be available online through the OLC app. Print them out prior to the workshop, view them from your personal device during the event or view/download them after the event. The handouts will be available on the OLC app for 30 days following the program. Attendees will also receive a free digital copy of the Ohio Public Library Trustee's Handbook.
10 a.m. | Join the Zoom Classroom/Onsite Registration & Refreshments
10:15 a.m. | Welcome and Ohio Library Council Overview
Presenter: Michelle Francis, Executive Director, Ohio Library Council
11 a.m. | Break
11:15 a.m. State Funding and Other Legislative Issues for Ohio's Public Libraries
Presenter: Jay Smith, Director of Government and Legal Services, Ohio Library Council
12:15 p.m. | Lunch Break
12:45 p.m. Legal Issues – What Trustees Need to Know
Presenter: Jason Elvers, OLC Legal Counsel, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
2:15 p.m. | Break
2:30 p.m. | Demystifying Library Finances
Presenter: William Shkurti, Trustee, Upper Arlington Public Library
3:30 p.m. | Adjourn
495 Metro Place South Suite 350
Dublin, OH 43017 United States
This is a hybrid event.
Attend in-person or online.